The Leader in Paintless Dent Removal in the Triangle
Over 30 Years of Paintless Dent Removal Experience
Over 150,000 Cars Repaired
Frequently Asked Questions
What is PDR? Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) is a process that restores an automobiles body through slow pressure and manipulation of areas around the dent.
What are the benefits of PDR? The benefits of Paintless Dent Removal is that you can restore your automobile back to its original state. PDR is also cost effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
Why are DentBusters' repairs of small dents and dings better than traditional auto body techniques? DentBusters specializes in paintless dent repair. This technique is better than traditional body work because there is no use of sanding, body fillers, or paint. This is very important at trade-in time since repainting can significantly lower the resale value of your car. Additionally, paintless dent repair can help you avoid the costly penalties often incurred at lease turn-back time.
How does DentBusters' repair method work? Paintless dent repair is based upon long-established and time-proven metal working techniques that have been specifically adapted to repair dents on the painted surfaces of automobiles. DentBusters technicians use customized hand tools applying pressure and leverage to work the dents out from underneath.
Can DentBusters remove any dent? DentBusters can repair minor dents on all steel and aluminum surfaces of your automobile, including hood, roof, trunk, doors, and fenders. Even creases and dents on body lines can be repaired. The process is ideal for repairing hail damage. Unfortunately DentBusters cannot repair collision damage or dents so deep and sharp that the metal is badly stretched.
How long does paintless dent repair take? Typical repairs can be preformed in less than a day. In many cases, you can wait while your car is being repaired.
How much does a DentBusters' repair cost? This is the best part. DentBusters repairs generally cost significantly less than traditional body work and are honored by all insurance companies.
Will the repairs be visible when you're done? Your dent should completely disappear, unless we advise you otherwise. Once repaired, your dents will never reappear.
Can paintless dent repair harm the finish of my car? No. paintless dent repair uses no abrasives which could harm the factory finish of your car.